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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 20, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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we're not feeling well. but when it comes to your health, that's not a mistake you want to make. >> our talk back question now, the redistribution of wealth the answer to our economic woes? this from ken. it's pretty much the same as the romney plan. redistribute the money cut from social programs to make up for tax cuts of the highest income earners. the one difference is obama's plan will raise revenue as well. if your vision of america is a country split between a wealthy ruling class, with educated people with no better path to a future, then no, let's not redistribute anything. thanks for joining me today. "newsroom" continues now wi. it is 11:00 on the east coast. it's 8:00 on the west coast. we begin with this. major developments in the killing of our u.s. ambassador to libya, chris stevens.
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a source familiar with the ambassador says that before he died, chris stevens believed that his name was on an al qaeda hit list. a source also says that in the weeks and days before his death in that attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, stevens was worried about what he described as the never ending security threats in that city. also the u.s. counterterrorism chief is now calling that assault that killed stevens and three of his american colleagues a terrorist attack. and there are reports that a former detainee at guantanamo bay who was released and returned to libya may have, in fact, been the ringleader of benghazi attack. cnn has not yet been able to independently confirm that latter report. but our cnn national security contributor fred townsend joins us live. she's a member of the cia
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external advisory committee. she was also a personal friend of ambassador stevens and had visited libya with her employer. are your sources saying anything about this report, a series of reports that, in fact, it may have been a former gitmo prisoner that was released in amnesty, went back to libya and orchestrated these murders? >> the individual that we're talking about is a well-known sort of al qaeda bad guy. he was taken in custody and served time at guantanamo. he was released to the libyans in 2007 with the expectation that he would remain in custody. under gadhafi in 2007, libya had established this rehabilitation program, which obviously this this guy's face failed. he goes back to the fight. it's not clear -- our sources have not independently confirmed that this guy is a prime suspect, but he is known to have served -- to have worked with bin laden in sudan earlier in
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his career before he was captured and sent to guantanamo. he worked with a well-known islamic charity in afghanistan prior to his capture. and so it would make sense. this is a guy who fights in libya, who is part of an extremist network there. it would make perfect sense that he would be among those that authorities are looking at in the investigation. we've just not confirmed yet that he is a suspect in the murder. >> clear this up for me, if you can. and if i hear you correctly, the amnesty that released him was such that he was to have been kept in custody in libya under gadhafi. did we have any sort of plan in place to monitor that given the fact that the arab spring all over everything, may have actually seen all those people released into the streets? >> well, that's right. these rehabilitation programs, which libya was not the only one with such a program. once you return somebody to their home country, you can
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monitor, but you really do lose control over their custody. and rehabilitation programs the world over, including in the united states, often fail. the hope is that you the get one or two of these guys out of a whole host of them actually not to return to the battlefield. that's something of a win. but the united states has recognized this policy of repatriating them, that they may return to the battlefield. >> fran, you were just there. you were a close friend of ambassador stevens. did he ever say anything to you like we're hearing in these reports, that he believed he was on an al qaeda hit list. he was very concerned about the deteriorating security situation in benghazi? >> you know, it was august 29th, that morning ambassador stevens and i had breakfast together. we had a whole conversation because i expressed concern about the growing rise in michigans in tripoli. -- militias in tripoli.
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the growing number east of benghazi, growing in numbers and their arms capability there. he was clearly concerned about that. but he suggested to me at some point to go to benghazi, to see for myself. so i think he understood very well the increasing concern about extremism, but he never did mention to me anything about his being on an al qaeda hit list. >> and as far as security goes there are so many situations that can seem so worrisome and not just in libya. fran, thank you. appreciate your insight this morning. thanks so much. the death of ambassador stevens, just the beginning, in fact, politically speaking. the white house's top brass now about to brief congress on the volatile and deadly situation that's unfolding right now. we've had violent clashes erupting from north africa throughout the middle east and southeast asia. this is a glimpse of the hot spots on your map in front of you. of these explosive attacks, there have also been suicide
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bombings. anti-american sentiments have been unleashed mostly because of that anti-islam film, if you want to call it that, movie, piece of tape, youtube clip. members of the house and senate are now about to get the briefing from secretary of state hillary clinton in just a couple of hours. our senior congressional correspondent dana bash is live. does congress feel as though they've been left in the dark about these developments? it has been extraordinarily quick what transpired in the last few weeks. do they feel as though they've been informed? do they feel as though they've been misinformed? >> many of them do not feel like they've been informed properly. and some actually do feel like they've been misinformed. the person that comes to mind that has been the most vocal about that is senator john mccain. i want you to listen to one of the things he said to anderson cooper last night on this issue. >> the white house spokesman, secretary of state and ambassador to the u.n. stated categorically that it was not a
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terrorist attack, when obviously it had all the earmarks of a terrorist attack. so why they would want to tell the american people that in the face of the facts, i don't know. >> what senator mccain told myself and many others in the hallways here yesterday was that his frustration is that he believes that he is just not getting proper information, but also that he has to find his own forces in libya to get information. and he and other members of congress are actually saying that they not only have to find their own sources, but they're getting more information from people like us, from our own courageous arwa damon, who is in the region. and others, talking about other concerns about security in the region. so those are the kind of questions that secretary of state hillary clinton and the director of national intelligence james clapper will get today. but i should also caution that my experience, my vast
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experience with watching these massive briefings that are classified but with the entire congress, they don't tend to give a lot of information because these administration members know that many members tend to talk to people like me and you about whast happens. the most interesting thing will be regard to frustration of what's going on. >> that being key, that it's closed doors. so perhaps the hyperbole will be toned down. maybe there is some fact-finding that can actually go on rather than camera posing. talk to me a little bit about the increasing security concerns. hezbollah and al qaeda have made no secret that this has been a boon to their business. what are we doing in terms of being able to ramp up our security? how does capitol hill factor into that and today's meeting in particular? and throw in there all the money that we spend overseas in aid. >> i think those are going to be really some of the key questions that members of congress are going to have for these
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situation officials. because one of the big concerns isn't so much -- isn't just, i should say, getting proper information or being left in the dark or maybe even in the words of some, getting misinformation, but also that the administration and those in the region were lack in security. that was one of the biggest concerns. you can bet those are going to be questions. with regard to what congress does and congress's role here, which is giving money, there actually happens to be a big flight on the floor of the senate as we speak. rand paul, who historically does not like the idea of giving foreign aid, is using this as an opportunity to hold up the massive spending bill for government, because he doesn't want to continue giving money to egypt, afghanistan and pakistan. he certainly had some allies in this, in the conservative movement and also ironically, more liberal members of congress who think that that money should be spent at home. but don't expect that money to
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be withheld right now. >> i guess we can expect that this will be part fact finding and part lobby effort. thank you, appreciate that. quick note for you. the house is going to be briefing. she'll be very busy around 2:45 this afternoon eastern. the senate gets the same treatment an hour later. they are staking this house and watching for all the details and we will bring them to you as soon as those closed doors become open doors. dad's tablet... or lauren's smartphone... at&t has a plan built to help make families' lives easier. introducing at&t mobile share. one plan lets you share data on up to 10 devices with unlimited talk and text. add a tablet for only $10 per month. the more data you share, the more you save. at&t.
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it hasn't always been fast. but the reaction on capitol hill to a bungled federal gun probe has always been furious. and here's just the very latest on fast and furious. the house committee -- look at your screen -- grilling the justice department's own inspector general who just yesterday implicated 14 federal officials in what he called a significantly flawed operation. an operation that was linked to the death of a u.s. border patrol agent. joe johns is live with me now with the details of this going fallout. this is a very complex topic. it involved almost two years of
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analysis by this agency. first set the ground work for me. exactly what buzz this gun running, gun walking, however you want to phrase it -- what was it supposed to do and how did it implode? >> the idea was to allow firearms, mostly ak-47s, to sort of slip across the mexican border so that they would fall into the hands of mexican drug cartels in hopes that they'd be able to figure out where the guns were going and catch some of the big guys. but it all went terribly wrong in december of 2010 when two of those firearms turned up at the murder scene of a united states federal border agent who was killed in arizona. that was sort of the thing that brought it all to a head, and that's what led us into this investigation. >> the results of the
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investigation, the long awaited report coming out yesterday and now the tough questions. and without question, some of them will be politically motivated. but essentially, i think a lot of people were expecting that maybe more heads would roll or at least some kind of heads would roll or there would be some sort of conclusion that would satisfy some on capitol hill. did we get any of that? >> i think both sides -- the democrats and the republicans, the people who have been fighting this viciously all yearlong, they're both saying we've been vindicated by this report by michael horowitz, the inspector general of justice department. his report released yesterday essentially say operation fast and furious revealed a series of misguided strategies, tactics, errors in judgment and management failures that permeated atf headquarters. phoenix field division all the way to the justice department. so he's testifying today in front of the house reform and oversight committee chair by congressman darrell isa.
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isa has been one of the leading critics. been talking more than an hour now about the referral of those 14 employees for possible disciplinary action. two of those named in the report already stepped down. isa actually kicked off the hearing suggesting what you just talked about, that more heads ought to roll. listen. >> since yesterday, two top individuals whose time to resign had come, 14, 16, 18, 19 months ago, resigned. we expect that all 14 would find a way to find appropriate new occupati occupations. ones in which their poor judgment or lack of dedication or unwillingness to actually read documents they were required to read would not be held accountable. >> oh, it's not clear what's going to happen to those other
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pelo employees. that is left open and left to the justice department to decide. >> i did a quick scan of the reaction from the justice department and the white house. this is a field operation. that's where the problem was. not necessarily at the top rank. but in the end, the top ranks are the ones facing the crisis, and that is a contempt citation for eric holder. where does it stand? >> well, look, first, the report essentially cleared eric holder, who was held in contempt of congress for failing to produce information about this. the civil court case to compel relief of the documents that congress hasn't seen yet continues, even though the inspector general, he actually got to see some of those various named documents. he said everything his office used in the report was relevant to the investigation. sounds like republicans still want to take a look at those papers. >> for their part, they got
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their answers, too. joe johns in washington. i know you'll be busy on those monitors and watching that hearing. so thank you for that. i do say for his part, eric holder, and i'm going to quote him, says this. it is unfortunate that some were so quick to make baseless accusations before they possessed the facts, and that's not the last that you've heard on that story. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ and the next great idea could be yours. i i had pain in my abdomen...g. it just wouldn't go away. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer,
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mitt romney trying to woo a crucial electorate and still a bit in damage control mode while doing so. the republican presidential nominee spoke to latino voters last night at a univision forum in miami. and he tried to counter some of that backlash over his comments dismissing the 47% of americans as government free loaders, essentially. he says it was something entirely different. in fact, his campaign is committed to helping the 100%. have a listen. >> this is a campaign about the 100%. and over the last several years, you've seen greater and greater divisiveness in this country. we had hoped to come back together, but instead you've seen us pull apart and politics has driven us apart in some respects. so my campaign is about the 100% in america. >> joining us now is rafael
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romo. there were tough questions at the forum, obviously about the controversial comments on camera with regard to his immigration stance as well. so this is a tough uphill battle with this electorate. how did he do? >> well, it's very difficult because he essentially made it a challenge for himself back in the primary season when he called for self-deportation, which essentially means that the country should make it so difficult, life so miserable for immigrants that they essentially have no other choice but to self-deport, but to make the choice to leave the country. he was specifically asked last night by univision's anchors whether he would deport 11 million estimated undocumented immigrants and this is what he had to say. >> we're not going to round up people around the country and deport them. i said during my primary c
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campaign time and again we're not going to round up people and have them deported. our system isn't to deport people. we need to provide a long-term solution. i described the fact that i would be supportive of a program that said that people who served in our military could be permanent residents of the united states. >> so he said what he wouldn't do, but he didn't really specify what he would do, how he would solve the immigration problem this country is facing. >> i just wanted to tell you about a poll that came out. this is pre-videotape and all the comments that were controversial. it was the latino decisions weekly tracking poll with numbers saying that obama held 68% of latino vote to 26%. that is a huge uphill climb. and in that light, did he do anything to sort of offset those comments that were made about it would be better if i were latino? he says it were a joke. how did he handle it? >> there was a lighter moment during the forum in which he was asked okay, your father was born
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in mexico. does that make you a latino? let's take a listen. >> are you sure you're not a hispan hispanic? >> i think for political purposes, that might have helped me here at the university of miami today. but the truth is, as you know, my dad was born of american parents living in mexico. but he came back to this country at age 5 or 6 and was helped to get on his feet and recognize this was the land of opportunity. >> obama in 2008 won with 67% of the vote. bush had 40% the last election. the previous to last election. he would need to get close to those numbers if he wants to win the latino vote. >> in just 50-odd days. good luck with that. that's a tough one. rafael romo, thank you. appreciate that. and also the president for his part is going to address that same forum in just a few hours. while mitt romney continues his florida swing with a rally in syria sosa. -- sarasota.
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if there is one thing we are certain of it's that uncertainty is not good for the job market. we actually have a quantified report of what the numbers are. >> and the san francisco fed has found that uncertainty has added one to two percentage points. >> that's not small. that's like half of the gains we've seen in the unemployment rate has been uncertainty.
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there's this old rule of thumb in markets that uncertainty is not good for markets and now you've got this idea that it's even worse for job market, because if things are uncertain, folks aren't hiring, they're not building plans, they're not investing in r&d and that's a problem. >> just before obama took office this is where we were normal. >> this was january of 2008. you had 5% unemployment. that is essentially full employment. in good times, you have a 5% unemployment. and look at what happened here. in the beginning of 2009, you saw the unemployment rate jump to 10%. >> what's the uncertain here? what are we freaking out about? >> about a potential great depression. another great depression. was the credit system going to shut down? were we going to start losing banks one another? were we not going to be able to use our debit card or credit card or get money out of a cash machine? that's what happened. and the lag time of that is an unemployment rate of 10%. >> what about as we moved on to the concerns of a fiscal cliff, about regulation and tax policy. >> regulation and tax policy was
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still an uncertainty, as we went through all the different things that the white house and congress were doing to try to get us away from that great depression. all of that uncertainty still in the unemployment rate. you would have had an up employment more like 6% to 7%, not 8% to 9% if it weren't for all this extra uncertainty. >> make no mistake, the fed is not suggesting for a moment, though that the president has control over all of these uncertainties. >> absolutely. because look at the fiscal cliff, for example. no matter who is president, you're going to have a fiscal cliff problem. that's the beginning of the year when you've got huge tax increases and massive spending cuts that hit at exactly the same time. that uncertainty is still there. i'm hearing anecdotally that business owners are saying wait, we're not hiring anybody until we figure out if congress can fix this problem. congress, by the way, going home after this week until the
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election. >> enjoy your time off. quickly, a few second left, elections coming. does uncertainty end on election day? >> not with the fiscal cliff. i think one in ten is taken away. but at this stage of the game, you've got a dead problem at the beginning of next year, and also a lot of people are telling me the federal reserve are the only one who can step in and do something, inject money into the surgery etc. a president can try to make a decision, but congress doesn't necessarily go along with them. >> and then there's the filter down effect. are you certain of this? >> absolutely certain. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule.
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u.s. foreign policy is a thicket of big ideals and maddening details. the learning curve for any president, steep. but for decades now, every serious presidential hopeful has had to claim at the very least a working knowledge and a strong
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position on israel, the palestinians, and the relations between the two. and so it is in 2012 as well. my colleague wolf blitzer looks at in-depth what those positions are. . >> one country in particular was singled out by both speeches. >> president obama has thrown allies like israel under the bus. >> our commitment to israel's security must not waiver. >> president obama came in determined to make middle east peace central to his policy. he took a harder line on israeli settlements in palestinian territories. >> in my conversations with prime minister netanyahu, i was very clear about the need to stop settlements, to make sure that we are stopping the building of outposts. >> that angered many israelis,
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especially prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and early trips to turkey and egypt with high profile addresses to the arab and muslim world without a stop in israel further exacerbated that relationship. the push for middle east peace has been stuck ever since. and that rocky personal relationship with netanyahu was further underlined during a tense oval office building in may 2011 when the prime minister seemed to be lecturing the president. >> israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace. it cannot go back to the 1967 lines. because these lines are indefensible. >> still, at least in public, they seem to have moved on. >> as i've said to prime minister in every single one of our meetings, the united states will always have israel's back when it comes to israel's security. >> some of the most sensitive issues, obama and romney seem to agree. at least when it comes to the
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big icture. jerusalem is israel's capital. a final peace agreement should include a two-state solution. and iran must be stopped from building a nuclear bomb. but there are differences when it comes to specific details on how to achieve those goals. romney charges that president obama hasn't been a strong enough ally to israel in opposing iran's nuclear ambitions. >> israel doesn't need public lectures about how to weigh decision of war and peace. it needs our support. if i'm president of the united states, my first foreign trip will be to israel to show the world we care about that country. >> and underscored that during his july trip to jerusalem. in a recently revealed tape from a closed fundraiser back in may, romney said israel didn't have a strong palestinian partner.
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>> i said there's just no way. >> but romney declared his support for a two-state solution during an interview i did with him during his recent trip to israel. >> the decision as to where the borders would be as we move to a two-state solution, which i support, that's a decision on borders that will be worked out by the israelis and the palestinians. >> romney says obama has rebuffed israel's security concerns. but i was told the relationship with the united states is solid. >> they should tell you honestly that president obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that i can remember in the past. >> wolf is live with me now in d.c. wolf, look, this is a critical, critical issue for an american president and american foreign policy. how much do voters really care about this right now given what
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we've got going in our economic struggle? >> overall, in terms of national security and foreign policy, voters care a lot if there is a crisis over the last week or so since we saw what happened in egypt and in libya, voters are obviously returning their attention to national security and foreign policy. who would be a better commander in chief. but generally, you're right, it's the domestic issues. it's the economic issues, job issues, social issues that are much higher on the scale unless there's a national security crisis, that the u.s. is at war, then national security becomes a much bigger issue. but generally speak, it's not. >> and of course, the controversial mother jones tape that came out this week where a lot of people are describing his comments pob disparaging. well, his mexican heritage, but also the 47% who he claims don't pay taxes. and of course kicking the can. i'm paraphrasing. kicking the can down the road in
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terms of middle east peace. a poll has come out to specifically gauge voters' reaction to that. and it's somewhat fascinating. gallup asked registered voters if they'd be more or less likely to vote for mitt romney given what they heard on those tapes. 20% said more. 36% said less. 43% didn't seem to really care. the new york post had a headline that said the truth hurts. were you surprised by these numbers? >> not necessarily surprised all that much. what's much more interesting as opposed to those folks that have made up their mind is to take a look at the still undecided voters, the 8% or maybe 10%, to see how they are reacting. there you see some numbers right there. independent voters more likely 15%, less likely 29%. it's not necessarily going to have an immediate impact. let's see what happens after the three debates, especially after the first debate. i think that's going to be way,
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way more important than these little issues that come up over the past few days. they're sensitive, they're important. clearly obama's gotten a bounce since his convention. but i think those debates are going to really be critical. >> and they can certainly get lost in the news cycle within days and certainly within weeks still to go. one last issue with polls. i was so surprised when paul steinhauser sent me some polls yesterday, specifically michigan and wisconsin really stood out to me. the cnnorc poll in micheauxs the likely voter's choice for president, 5 % in favor of obama. only 44% in favor of obama in his birth state. if romney doesn't find that troubling, they may find the wisconsin poll also troubling. the marquette law shows that in the state of his running mate paul ryan, 54% would favor
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romney. that's got to -- i mean, i almost feel like there had to be a holding of breath in the romney campaign with these numbers. >> yeah, i think romney's in deep trouble in michigan and wisconsin. we'll see if paul ryan can really help him in wisconsin. neither campaign, neither the romney campaign nor the obama campaign directly are spending a lot of money -- they're not spending a lot of money in either state. i think they both sense that wisconsin and michigan will probably go democratic this time. so the super packs are spending money in michigan and wisconsin. the pro-republican super packs. i think the romney campaign, they're spending some money in wisconsin, though not a whole lot. but michigan, given the president's ability to save the auto industry, gm, chrysler in particular, it looks like michigan is a pretty safe bet. remember, four years ago, both michigan and wisconsin
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overwhelmingly went for president obama. if president obama can get that base out in both of those states, he should do well there. >> oh, to be a fly on the wall to hear how the campaigns reacted to those numbers. i'm sure you'll be talking some of these numbers at 4:00 today. >> certainly will be. we got "the situation room" coming up as we do every day. >> did i tell you it's my favorite show other than "the daily show" and my show? >> thank you. you didn't tell me that, but thanks very much. >> wolf blitzer, here's your plug. be sure to watch "the situation room" here on cnn. wolf, thank you. ♪ goodbye [ flushing ] ♪ [ both ] ♪ na, na... [ woman ] ♪ na, na-na, na [ men ] ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ good-bye [ male announcer ] with kohler's powerful, high-efficiency toilets. flush. and done. [ all ] ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ good-bye
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best drama. "downtown abbey" and "mad men" are in big-time competition. is this supposed to be a big weekend of upsets, a big night of tragedy and triumph and drama? >> absolutely. and that's what makes it so interesting. we have our eyes really on all the categories, ashleigh, but one category in particular that we are watching very closely, that's a race for outstanding drama series. this year, all eyes are still on "mad men." it could break the record and land a record fifth consecutive win for outstanding drama series. by the way, no drama has ever won more than four times in a row in that category. and this year's best drama competition is fierce. "homeland," it has huge buzz. it's would have been the president's favorite shows. "breaking bad" is beloved and ended the first half of its fifth season just as voters were casting their ballots. one come knee on the broadcast network pbs is "downtown abbey,"
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could sneak in with a surprise win. i have a feeling i know who you'll be rooting for. can we just saw "breaking bad," and that's because you made a special cameo guest appearance. your cousin directs that series. >> it wasn't my acting acumen, it was the sheer nepotism. >> you are so talented. you wear many hats, ms. banfield. >> you are hired, sister. thank you. this will be fun. i'll be looking forward to this. have a good weekend. for the latest information, we've got a lot more on the emmys, just go to hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow.
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it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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right now a philadelphia judge is hearing brand new evidence that could prevent a condemned man from being marched down murderer's row to his execution. there is no doubt that terry
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williams is guilty. let's just say that. he brutally, brutally killed two men in the 1980s. in fact, one of them he brutally beat senselessly in a cemetery. a man with a tire iron. it's awful. he is supposed to be executed on october 3rd for one of those murders because he just turned 18 when he did that second murder, but here's the catch. what his jurors did not know when they condemned him was that terry williams' victims, the people he killed, had been abusing him for years. allegedly this had been going on repeated rapes, and it wasn't just a few. he had been abused for so long in his life listen to what one of the jurors has to say now. >> there was no information at all brought out about any sexual abuse, whether he was a child or from the two victims. there was nothing brought out about that. >> now that i know about the
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sexual abuse and all that, that's why i'm doing this video because i feel bad that this person is on death row and there was evidence or other things that we should have been told about. >> there were five jurors, joey jackson, who actually are upset with the fact that they were never given that was suppressed evidence. suppressed evidence means you don't get to hear it. there are lots of reasons to suppress evidence, and sometimes they're controversial. let me just go over some of the stuff they don't know about this condemned man and what he went through in life. he was beaten by his mother. he was raped at the age of 6 by an older boy. he was beaten by his alcoholic stepfather. he was repeatedly raped by a middle schoolteacher. he was raped by two older boys when he was in juvenile detention. all the while he had no grown-up to go to. he had no counseling. he had no help. >> tough stuff. >> tough stuff.
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why? just explain to -- >> here's how it happens. >> why would a jury not know that? >> if they had someone, for example, if you were an attorney and you were there advocate, it's compelling. why is it compelling? because it goes to motive. what happens is this is the way it works, ashleigh. you don't have to establish motive, but it's important because jurors want to know why someone acted in the manner in which they did, and when the case was being tried, it was presented to the jury as if it were a robbery. that's what their conclusion was. that it was a robbery and in the course of this robbery he took this tire iron and just bludgeoned this person, charred the body. if they had known about the past history, it goes to what we call mitigation. it doesn't excuse what happened, but it explains in large measure what happened, and i hasten to add that generally when you have such an explanation, as you've given in terms of his background, maybe a juror, right, or a jury collectively they say, you know what, maybe we mitigated from murder to manslaughter. guess what the difference is. a life sentence, right?
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significant. >> let me ask you this. >> sure. >> the jury says they were never told, and this is the law in this state -- they were never told they had an option of life in prison and let me go further, without the possibility of parole. we call it elwop. sdroo life in prison without the possibility of parole means he ain't never getting out unless it's in a box. these jurors say theltd they would have voted for that. they worried if they didn't give him the death penalty, he would get out and do it again. >> that's what hearings are for to establish whether the jury had all the information that they were entitled to receive, and, b, if they have that information, would it have materially impaired or materially affected the outcome of the case, and that's why it's so important in these instances that ultimately justice is done. >> let me throw another wrench into this, and that is that for anybody out there who is watching this and says, look, if this was a robbery, doesn't matter if there was sexual abuse in the past. the motive was robbery. that evidence should have been suppressed. now joey jackson, we hear that maybe it wasn't a robbery.
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that maybe there had been some coercion among prosecutors and police for his admitted accomplice to say it was a robbery. >> exactly. and that's a problem because, remember, the accomplice here when he was being interviewed, he was saying as he was hitting him with the tire iron, he was saying, you like boys, don't you? you like boys, don't you, and they said -- the prosecutor and police said we're not going to talk about that. just talk about a robbery. >> this is not over. >> no, not at all. that's problematic. >> thank you for helping me out. we are watching this, and we're going to see what this hearing brings, and we're going to bring you the details. a man's life is at stake. less-expensive option than using a traditional lawyer? well, legalzoom came up with a better way. we took the best of the old and combined it with modern technology. together you get quality services on your terms, with total customer support. legalzoom documents have been accepted in all 50 states, and they're backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. so go to today and see for yourself. it's law that just makes sense.
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